Self Care Shouldn’t Be a Last Resort
Theatre as a career is a marathon, but each show that we produce represents a sprint. As exciting as this can be with all of the challenges we face with each new show, it can be exhausting. For those in theatre education, summer may allow time to catch our breath, reflect, and unwind. It’s also a time to prepare for future productions and/or lessons. During productions and throughout the school year, many educators and directors put their lives and well-being on the back burner. However, we must take time for self care in order to properly help others! Incorporating healthy lifestyle choices is just as important as taking time off to recuperate. Try these simple ideas, many of which can be done throughout the year!
Natural Sunlight

While working in educational theatre is the happiest, most satisfying jobs I’ve ever had, I work in the dark an awful lot. Theaters by nature don’t allow in a lot of natural light for obvious reasons, and those who work in theaters tend to spend countless hours inside, away from natural light. Just fifteen minutes per day of sunlight can positively affect mental stability and ability to function. If you’re unable to fit that into your daily routine, I recommend trying the Verilux Light Therapy Energy Lamp, AKA the HappyLight. It provides a safe, natural spectrum light as recommended by professionals, without the harmful UV rays. According to the manufacturers, “Light therapy at the right time of day can help improve your mood and reset your circadian rhythm to improve sleep.” You can customize the light intensity with high or low settings according to preference. It’s compact and includes two easy installation, no glare lenses for high energy or comfort. For a more portable option, try the Verilux HappyLight Liberty Personal, Portable Light Therapy Energy Lamp

Many historical texts reference water in symbolic ways, even as a source of peace and life. Think of how many vacations destinations are located around a water source. Although it can be a force of nature that can’t be reckoned with, it’s also a life giving element that we can’t live without. It’s no wonder that empires were founded among natural water sources.
While the exact amount varies from person to person, we need approximately eight glasses of water each day to function properly. Unfortunately, many substitute water with sodas or coffee. Drinking water helps flush out toxins, keeps organs functioning properly, and keeps our brains from feeling sluggish. Many headache and migraine sufferers find that drinking water helps to alleviate or even eliminate their pain. It’s essential that drinking water be clean and free from contaminants. To ensure that your have clean water, either use a Water Bottle with Built in Filtration or an Under Sink Filtration System
As one of the five elements of feng shui, water is thought to bring about an energy of freedom. Water’s calming affect can be accomplished by being near natural bodies of water, water features, or images of water. Set up a water feature in your home with either a picture
or fountain
Soaking in water is also beneficial. A hot bath can be relaxing. It raises blood circulation and allows the body to remove toxins through sweat glands. This effect can be increased by adding a cup of Epsom Salt, which has the added benefit of relieving tired, sore muscles. Those who are young, elderly, have medical issues, or are pregnant should be cautious about taking a bath that is too hot.
We’ve heard the cliche “You are what you eat.” As tired as you may be of hearing this, it still rings true. If you want health, you have to eat healthy. In the world that we live in, we have to be extremely cautious about what we put into our bodies. When we’re on the go, we often grab whatever we can for a quick meal. We need to put more thought into our food choices.
Some companies have become overly vague about ingredients they put in their products, and we must be diligent about making healthy choices. It doesn’t help that what we learned about the food pyramid while growing up seems to have led us all astray. Plus, pesticides meant to aid farmers have proven harmful to us.
What can we do when the so-called facts in are a constant state of flux? Who do you believe? Sometimes it feels like media scare tactics trying to get us to buy into the latest trends and fads. Back to basics is a good starting point. Fruits and vegetables grown locally and purchased at farmers markets help to support locals and will often provide fresher options. In our fast paced world, opt for home cooked meals when possible instead of fast food. When you do eat out, choose healthier options and avoid overindulging in sugary treats. You can also combat harmful ingredients by reading package labeling and researching ingredients. Usually simpler ingredients mean that the food hasn’t been over-processed, which can have the effect of stripping foods of their nutrients.
Air Quality
How many times growing up did you hear “Go outside and get some fresh air?” According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency , “Americans, on average, spend approximately 90 percent of their time indoors.” Most energy efficient buildings, including theaters and schools, lack sufficient ventilation. We’re exposed to hazardous indoor pollutants, some of which are hormone disrupting. Carcinogens released by synthetic materials can irritate our lungs and lead to sickness, in extreme cases causing cancer. When at home, open windows to allow fresh air to circulate. Use Air Return Air Filters to remove harmful particles as well as reduce odors. An additional option is to use a HEPA Air Purifier.

As I mentioned in a previous article, exercise relieves stress, however it also helps maintain energy, weight, and blood pressure. You could choose an exercise video or visit a local gym for guidance, although my personal preferences include walking, jogging, swimming, and cycling. If you’re new to exercise, start slow and find out what you enjoy. Some enjoy working out with others while others like exercising alone. Again, find out what works best for you and enjoy.
In Conclusion
While many environmental factors are out of our control, there are some choices that we can make to positively impact our lives. Taking the time to maintain our health is important to leading a happy life. If we don’t take care of ourselves, we won’t be able to enjoy the things we love or be helpful to others.
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I feel overwhelmed with a lot to do. But writing down my tasks and prioritizing them certainly helps. I’m so grateful for my daily calendar to keep my on task and less stressed.
self-care is what my life is missing right now. we need that time to just ourselves. self-care of our mental health and outer body looks.
Self care is so very important and loving oneself is too. I appreciate this wonderful post and am heeding the reminder to love myself 🙂
It’s really important to take care of yourself. So many people are guilty of letting the things you need to do for yourself, or have for yourself go in order to take care of someone else. I’m guilty of it myself. I always put the needs of my family before my own. But that’s what Mommy’s do. We sacrifice our needs for the needs of our children. But at the same time, if you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to take care of your kids. So it’s a double edged sword.
Self-care is so important for everyone, but it’s interesting to think of it one profession to the next. I hadn’t considered how much time a person involved in theater would spend indoors, away from fresh air and vitamin D. I spend a lot of my day sitting, so my self-care means getting outside and walking around. Plus, just being in nature relaxes me.
I definitely agree with you in this. Everyone of us should put self care first. It’s never selfish but a way to love yourself.
Natural sunlight can be simple but when the timing is right, like just when the sun starts to rise.. It feels like it gives you some sort of energy lol just sharing!
This is a great post and I completely agree that putting yourself first shouldn’t be a last resort. I don’t feel like I get enough natural sunlight as I work in an office and am usually inside when the sun is out.