AMI Theatre Assignment

Alternate Method of Instruction for Theatre

coronavirus  causing students to stay home and complete AMI theatre assignments

In the wake of the recent COVID-19 crisis that hit our nation along with the rest of the world, educators scrambled to find alternate methods of instructing their students.  Many immediately began online instruction while others uploaded and/or sent home paper packets.  Like so many other teachers, I had already sent home days 1-5 at the beginning of the school year, but we’d never dreamed of needing anything beyond that.  In my initial panic, I stayed up til 2am completely rethinking my AMI  theatre assignment.  I had to both send home a packet and upload it digitally online for students to access remotely. 

surface pro to complete AMI theatre assignments onMy end result: a simple AMI theatre assignment which works for both theatre and stagecraft. It offers students options and flexibility depending on their personal interests in order to help keep them engaged.

Packet & Journal

backdrop of school where students would rather be instead of doing AMI theatre assignmentsMy AMI Theatre Packet includes options for up to sixteen days.  For each day of AMI (Alternate Method of Instruction), students complete one square of the grid, and then write their response on the AMI Theatre Journal.  For each journal, they give the date, script/article title, playwright/author, and square number. Some squares appear more than once, but they can use each square only once. Students may complete them in any order that they wish.   I count each journal entry for 25 points.
The AMI Theatre Packet consists of a 4×4 grid of different types of articles for students to look up and read and how they should respond to those articles in the form of a journal.  The AMI Theatre Journal provides the space for their responses.  These can both be either distributed as hard copies or loaded digitally into Google Classroom for students to copy, record their answers on, and then submit for a grade.  For the students who received hard copies, I have had them take a picture and load the images in to Google Classroom or email them as a way to submit them. 

In Conclusion

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1 Comment

  • There is no excuse nowadays to learn and study. Everything is accessible just like this method. This will also help students to be more competitive.

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