Individual Assignments (When Calm and Quiet are Needed)
It’s the end of the school year, and I’ve noticed several theatre teachers posting in forums searching for individual theatre assignments to help keep their students engaged. I don’t like to overload students with book work, but I also understand the need for the occasional assignment that is a bit more grounded and calm. Here are some alternatives to book work to help keep your students engaged while helping you, the theatre teacher, keep your sanity as the year winds down (or for that matter, any time that you need a quieter assignment for students to work on).
Play Writing
Students can write 10-15 minute one act plays (1 minute = roughly 1 page of dialogue, including stage directions). I start by creating slips of paper for the following topics which they must draw from and include in their script: character names, locations, props that must be used, etc… When I first started doing this assignment, I allowed them to pair up, but this year, I had them write solo and had great luck with it. I actually do this assignment in the first semester. Then, as a reward for their hard work, in the second semester, we vote and perform one of them (during the 3rd nine week), and in the 4th nine week, we adapt one into a short film script and film it.
Granted the performance and film performance assignments are more of a fun, group project, they can easily serve as rewards for a job well done. Also, you will save money on royalties since your students wrote the shows. Plus, I was able to have a film festival when the stage was otherwise occupied by other groups since all we needed were the projectors and projection screens.
2. Design Morgues
Have them create design morgues for a show (I let mine choose from costumes, props, or set). They create a google slideshow presenting what is needed for a particular show and must include inspirational pictures, what/where to purchase item or supplies needed to create, and prices. This can be used as a final project if needed. Have them do it individually though.
3. Sound or Light Cue Sheets
You can also offer the options of having them create sound or light cue sheets for a show. If you go this route, you can divide up a show into scenes among the students. If I do the sound cue sheet, I have them include links to royalty free sounds that could be used ( or are typically my go-to sources for royalty free sound effects).
4. Blocking Shorthand Lesson
Give students a blocking shorthand sheet and after teaching them how to use it, have them write out blocking for scenes using shorthand from a show (of your choosing or theirs).
5. Floor Plans for a Show
Have students create the floor plan for a show using graphing paper. You can tell them that 1 block equals 1 square foot and that it must be accurate and based on your acting space. You can either give them the dimensions of your stage or have them measure it themselves and include the dimensions on their floor plan.
6. Show Flyers
Students can create advertisement flyers for an upcoming show. In addition to it being a grade, you can let them know that you will be considering their design for the flyer as well as for program and t-shirt artwork.
In Conclusion
For every thing, there is a season. Improv and performance are what theatre classes thrive on, but sometimes a bit less spontaneity and energy can be nice. Besides, we can’t always go full throttle. These types of individual theatre assignments are helpful during show season when directors are already burning their candle at both ends with teaching and directing. When both you and the students need a bit of a break, whether it’s the end of the school year, during a show, or in times of trauma, consider some of these lessons for a respite.
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Oh man, I love this list. My son was in a CoOp theater class and they worked all year on their play and never got to perform it. I love these ideas and I will share them with him.
I love that you’re including so many aspects of theater and not just the acting. It’s a great lesson in all the parts of a production.
Great ideas! Just because the kids aren’t in the play doesn’t mean they can’t be involved.
There’s a lot that needs to go into theater. I love that you have ways to keep the students engaged through the semester.
I like watching the theatre play, and have huge respects to all the staffs and actors coz this isn’t an easy job. Kudos for everyone!
These are great ideas. We all need some quiet time and for sure the production too.
I never really realized exactly all the work at the theater teacher has to do. These are great assignments for keeping the students creative and busy.
This would be such a great project! I think it is so good to get people thinking along these lines. The creativity is so important.
A lot really goes into a nice production. I love when everyone takes the show seriously.